The Soccer Kiss. Another example of media influence and mass stupidity

I don’t usually care about stupid stuff like this, but I couldn’t help being outraged by the way something so innocent is blown out of proportion.

During some kind of soccer thing, some foreign guy named Luis Rubiales, a Chief of Soccer, whatever that is, hugged one of the players and gave her a tiny peck in celebration. For some reason, this became a big deal. I am unable to fathom how this is a big deal.

It doesn’t help that the media, when showing the video, freezes it at the moment of the kiss or slows down the video, making it appear as if it is some kind of long, passionate face sucking. If you watch the raw video, you’ll see that it lasts less than a millisecond and is merely an expression of happiness during their moment of victory. After the kiss, she is clearly seen with a huge smile on her face and having given the kiss not another thought.

In any other sane universe, this would just be another moment of happiness. Instead, someone with too much time on their hands and probably a hatred of men, decided that it is a bad thing and the poor man has lost his job. I hope you’re happy, all you man-hating nasty bitches out there. It is people like you who have ruined this planet for the rest of us. I hate you all. Die in hell.

Positive Vibes Bullshit

It really pisses me off when people post something on Facebook about a serious issue they are dealing with and people respond with stuff like, “Sending Positive Vibes”, Praying Hands emoji, or “Sending Hugs” or “Prayers”. That’s all cop-out bullshit from people who can’t take time to give us real consolation.

What the person needs isn’t fake care and pretend hugs. What they really need is REAL hugs and blow jobs. Stop phoning it in. Don’t leave your friends hanging when they need you because you can’t take the time to visit personally.

Can’t watch the republican debate? WTF?

The first Republican Debate was last night. As a citizen of the United States, I wanted to watch it. The problem is that it aired ONLY on Fox News Channel which I don’t have in my lineup. Therefore I could not watch it.

What about ALL THE PEOPLE out there who don’t have cable? Do you realize that only a small amount of the voting public were even able to see it? How are they supposed to make an informed decision? Doesn’t this bother anyone?

Things this important used to be aired on ALL the broadcast stations at the same time so all the people could see it.

I can’t even find it on YouTube. I don’t want to watch some political asshole give me his opinion on the debate. I want to form my own opinions.

Now I need to search the dark internet to find it. This is bullshit. What kind of fucked up world do we live in?

Starting my war with Sugar

It sounds silly. Maximum silly that sugar is that bad for you. Like…Really? How is that even possible?

It’s something we chose to ignore because it just sounds so insane. The thing is, we have no idea. Something as innocuous as sugar that comes naturally from plants and is used in absolutely EVERYTHING is literally killing us. The problem comes in quantity. A little poison might not be bad, but a LOT of it is certainly going to give you a bad day. That fact that everything has sugar in it means that it is coming at us from everywhere all at once. If you don’t have diabetes, you probably will.

I don’t have the energy to go into detail but look up Metabolic Syndrome. It’s why diabetes, cancer and whole host of other health problems is so prevalent. It’s also why everyone is so fat and can’t do anything about it. You may think you’re eating healthy food but it is most definitely NOT healthy.

** You think you’re eating well if you have a nice yogurt. Wait. Look at the nutritional label. Yeah, get out the magnifying glass and you’ll find that you’re basically drinking a Coke.

Big Sugar has you in its power and there’s little you can do unless you step back for a second and look at what is really happening. If something tastes good, it is highly likely that it is bad. If it tastes bad, then it’s good. Doesn’t that suck? But it’s true.

Unless you’ve given up and have permanently joined the zombie potato people of the United States, then you need to act now.

I’ve worried about this for a long time but never had the gumption to stand up and face it directly. If not, then when? I’m going to do it now. A few days ago I started a simple spreadsheet to track my added sugar intake. For men the maximum recommended amount of sugar to be consumed per day is 36 grams. For women, 24 grams. That’s not much. Do the spreadsheet and you might find that you easily exceed this limit during breakfast. So now what are you going to do for the rest of the day?

Oh Boy! This is serious.

This doesn’t even include carbohydrates which your body converts into sugars. This is complex to figure out and I’m afraid to even research it because that means we’re eating an avalanche of sugar every day.

I recently came to the realization that sugar has more to do with heart disease than saturated fats. I heard people and doctors saying that but I couldn’t wrap my head around it. There’s no way. But Yes Way! It’s serious. You’re better off eating a fatty diet and cutting out sugar to prevent heart attacks. Whoah! That’s insane! But true!

So what am I going to do? I love a good experiment so my plan is to keep logging my sugar intake for a while until I get a handle on what’s going in. Then, having learned where sugar comes from, I can reduce it as much as possible. I tend to take things to the extreme and would just cut it out completely, but as we know, that would be impossible. If I can at least reduce my sugar intake to a more realistic level, my body will be able to better handle it and I’ll be far healthier overall.

I haven’t completely formulated my plan and will just have to figure it out as I go but at least I’m on the right track now. Knowing is half the battle.

Lost my Peace

Well, it seems I lost my peace again. It’s really not easy maintaining a peaceful attitude in today’s world. Of course, I may never achieve full peacefulness. I’m like one of those candies with a liquid center. I’m peaceful on the outside and full or rage on the inside. Most people have no idea. Anyone who knows me would describe me as super chill. If only they knew. I am a master of the fake smile. At least I can recognize the situation. That gives me the ability to control it.

In the end, it’s all good and nothing matters. Just enjoy it while you can.

20 Years Left

That’s how much time I have left at best.

I was just watching a YouTube with Bryan Cranston, and he mentioned that Malcolm in the Middle was 20 years ago. I didn’t believe that for a second, so I looked it up. Son of a bitch! It seems like 5 years ago at the most. Time is passing at an alarming rate. Does that not concern you at all?

Twenty years passed in a blink of an eye and in another 20 years, I’ll be 75 years old if I’m still alive at all. That’s scary as hell. I have less than the blink of an eye to live. Goddamn you for not caring!

I don’t know what to do. Do I sit on my ass and try to make time go as slowly as possible? Do I go out and do a bunch of stuff that would be exciting, yet cause time to pass more quickly? How? What Where? WTF? OMG! SOAB!

I am all ready to accept death when the time comes, but I’m hoping, for some reason, that the time doesn’t come too quickly before I’ve figured out how to live first.

I don’t know whether to freak out or what. I’m fully expecting the Earth to become grossly overpopulated, unsustainable, and uninhabitable in 10 years, so that makes it even worse. As soon as the summer repression breaks, I need to get my flattened ass in gear and do things while I still can. God help me find someone who will make it worthwhile.

Waiting….Waiting….Waiting… Everything on hold.

O…M….G!!!!!! This has totally been the worst summer ever. It started in March and is still going on. That seems like it should be a good thing but…DAMN! It has been over 100 degrees for what feels like forever. Actually, 54 days so far and still counting.

It has really gotten me down. I have so many great things to accomplish, but all I can do it sit inside the house while everything outside burns to a crisp in the unrelenting sun. I know you don’t care, but I do.

The forecast is still 100+ every day for the foreseeable future. There’s a tiny chance of rain on Tuesday, but nobody is holding their breath anymore. Its like, “Yeah. Right. I’ll see that when I believe it.”

You may think I’m overreacting, but it’s really like hell out there. You absolutely cannot be outside during the day for more than a few minutes. The sun is like, all, “Bghhhhhhhhh!!!” and the plants and people are all like, “Aaaaaaaaaaaaa!” I’m really worried that Texas is about to become inhabitable. Heat waves have come and gone around the rest of the country, but Texas has suffered a heat tsunami without end the whole time. Again. I know you don’t care.

So all I can do now is sit on the couch with boarded up windows, watching TV until my ass turns into a big bed sore. I try to accomplish something early in the morning, but the humidity is so high it feels like I’m underwater in a steaming hot tub. At night, it is better, but I’m so tired from just experiencing the day that I just can’t get myself to do anything.

I’m trying so hard to just wait it out. Waiting…waiting…waiting… It really feels like the end of the world and the more I wait, the closer it gets. I hate this planet. Where is the asteroid to bring us sweet relief?

Memory – Running to lunch

It has been a while since I’ve posted a memory. I guess I kind of forgot about the whole idea of doing that. Also, nobody seems to care so…

Anyway. I was just watching a documentary about school lunch nutrition, and it reminded me of how I used to be in such a hurry to get to the cafeteria when the lunch bell rang. It wasn’t because I was hungry, but because I hated standing in line.

I remember doing it especially in high school, but I’m pretty sure I did it in middle school as well, and I think Elementary too, even. I was virtually running to get there first. I must have looked like some kind of brain-damaged fool to everyone else, but fortunately, invisibility has ALWAYS been one of my superpowers, so nobody ever gave me a hard time about it since nobody could see me. At least they never did it to my face.

I never really thought much of it at the time. Those were the early days when bullying and teasing were perfectly allowable. I could have gotten some kind of weird reputation. Now that I think of it, I would probably still do the same thing now because I still hate standing in line. It is one of the banes of my existence. LOL. I’m such a something.

The Impact of Intimacy Deprivation: Exploring the Lives of Men Who Have Never Experienced Intimacy

by Chad Jipeeti

A Deep Dive into the Emotional, Psychological, and Social Effects of Intimacy Deprivation on Men’s Lives

In a society where human connection is increasingly emphasized, a growing number of men are grappling with the effects of never having experienced intimacy in their lives. A comprehensive study sheds light on the multifaceted impacts of intimacy deprivation, offering insights into the emotional, psychological, and social challenges faced by these individuals.

Recent research conducted by a team of psychologists and sociologists at a prominent research institution has delved into the lives of men who have never experienced intimacy, aiming to understand the complex interplay of factors influencing their well-being.

The study, spanning several years and involving in-depth interviews with men from diverse backgrounds, paints a nuanced portrait of the lives of those who have not encountered emotional or physical intimacy. While each individual’s experience is unique, common themes emerged from the research, shedding light on the far-reaching consequences of intimacy deprivation.

Emotional Isolation and Loneliness: One of the most pervasive effects observed among the participants was a profound sense of emotional isolation and loneliness. Many participants expressed feelings of longing for meaningful connections, describing an ache for companionship and emotional support that remains unfulfilled.

Self-Esteem and Identity Struggles: The study highlighted the impact of intimacy deprivation on self-esteem and personal identity. Men who had never experienced intimacy often reported struggling with feelings of inadequacy and low self-worth. This lack of validation from close relationships appeared to contribute to self-doubt and hindered personal growth.

Social Challenges and Isolation: Intimacy deprivation also appeared to affect participants’ ability to form and maintain social connections. Many reported difficulties in establishing friendships or navigating social interactions, leading to a sense of social isolation that further exacerbated feelings of loneliness.

Sexuality and Emotional Expression: For some participants, the absence of intimacy raised questions about their own sexuality and emotional expression. Without the opportunity to explore these aspects in a safe and supportive environment, individuals often faced uncertainty and confusion about their desires and needs.

Mental Health Implications: The study underscored the potential mental health implications of prolonged intimacy deprivation. Participants frequently exhibited signs of depression, anxiety, and other mental health challenges, highlighting the importance of addressing these issues and seeking professional support.

In light of these findings, mental health experts emphasize the significance of acknowledging and addressing the unique challenges faced by men who have never experienced intimacy. Therapists and counselors stress the importance of providing safe spaces for individuals to discuss their emotions and fears, as well as equipping them with the necessary tools to build healthy connections.

While the research underscores the potential negative effects of intimacy deprivation, experts also emphasize the resilience of the human spirit. With appropriate support and guidance, men who have never experienced intimacy can work towards cultivating meaningful relationships, enhancing emotional well-being, and fostering personal growth.

As society continues to recognize the importance of human connection, it is hoped that increased awareness and understanding will contribute to a more compassionate and inclusive approach towards individuals who navigate the challenges of intimacy deprivation.

Reflections on Death

I don’t know if it is me or that’s just the way it is, but I’ve been seeing a lot of death themes on TV and movies lately. I’ve seen my share of death over my years and have written about it before. It seems that it is time to give my most current views because they seem to change with age.

I’m 55 this year. Technically, not old in these modern times. In the early days, people seldom lived to be older than 35 so, hmmm.

When we are young, we have an intense fear of dying, since our whole life is still ahead of us. I was 9 when my father died of heart disease, and I spent the next many years worrying that my mom would die soon, and I would be all alone. That’s to be expected. And who knows?

But what do I think about death now that I’m 55? I think that I may have up to 20 good years left. That’s not a lot. When I think about living those 20 years sitting all alone in my house every day, it seems like a lot. Time is relative, they say.

I have a friend who has Stage 4 prostate cancer. The doctor said he would be dead two years ago. He’s still doing well enough, so who knows. Health is a crap-shoot.

What does it even mean to live? Does it even really matter? My mom passed away recently, and I seem to be the only person who cares. All she did for 92 years meant nothing to everyone except me. When I’m gone, then what?

Famous people die every day. People who did great things for science and humanity. The next day, people just go on with their lives like they never existed. They’re just a rock in a field now. Time keeps ticking. I’m an invisible nobody. What chance do I have of being remembered or even mourned for a minute?

What if I found out that I had inoperable cancer and had only a few weeks to live? What would I think? Hard to say until it really happens, but I’m not sure that I would be overly upset. I’ve achieved all my reachable goals in life. I’m rich, early-retired and living in my 80% Dream House. I have few realistic desires and no achievable major goals left. I’d like to have a good friend, but that’s not realistic.

I guess I would do my best to try to spend some of my money on stupid stuff and experiences. I should probably do that anyway, but that kid of thing is hard for me. It would be a shame to die with a big bank account. I don’t have anyone to leave it to. I need to find some charity that would be worthy of being in my will. But money isn’t everything. A big bank account isn’t so bad. It DOES offer a really nice feeling of comfort. That is perhaps worth way more than an abandoned house full of crap like the videos on YouTube. Money is like a gun. Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.

At this point, I would consider death to be Sweet Relief. A good friend who comes to take away the emptiness. I’m not in a hurry, though. I could go another 20 years because you only get to go on this ride once. There will be plenty of time to be dead later. If I make it to age 80, I do request that Death come for me quickly if I am suffering in any way. I don’t want to live in assisted living or anything like that. Once I am unable to support my own living, I intend to make sure that the end comes in a timely manner.

I no longer live in fear of death. I just hope that everything I’ve achieved in life, isn’t completely wasted. Unfortunately, it will be. That’s just the way it is for us unloved folk.

My plan for after I die was to just let the government do whatever they do with unclaimed bodies. Probably cremation with no memorial or marker of any kind to prove that I existed.

Now, I’m thinking that I might get myself a cemetery plot somewhere popular with a huge headstone, so I’ll leave at least something behind for a while. Maybe it will have an inset, solar-powered video screen that will play a slideshow of my life when you press a button. Random strangers might see it and at least wonder about me for a few seconds before moving on. That’s better than nothing. That’s better than I have now. I think that will be my plan.