The Beer Problem

Yesterday when I went grocery shopping I bought a six-pack of beer.  I’ve done this before in attempt to learn how to fit in with the rest of the alcohol-based life forms on this planet.  If you don’t drink beer there is little point in going “out”.

As usual, the beer sits in my fridge for months because I really don’t want it.  I’ve tried a number of different brands but I must be doing something wrong because I don’t like any of it.  I tend to buy “better quality” beer in attempt to not be too blue-collar.  It usually tastes very strong of the hopps.  That makes me wonder why they use hopps because hopps are what makes beer taste bad.

Maybe that is my problem.  I should be going for the watered down cheap stuff. Budweiser is the national beer of Mexico and therefore Texas because it is cheap.  I guess I should not be too hoidy toidy with my beer selection.

I also have difficulty getting drunk which is the actual point of drinking.  Since beer has a low alcohol content you have to drink way more of it than is humanly possible in order to feel anything.  It always amazes me that people have the ability to drink sufficient quantities.  One beer and my stomach is full.   I have experimented with Jack Daniels Whisky.  Having a higher alcohol content one doesn’t have to drink as much to feel an effect.  Unfortunately the taste makes drinking enough impossible.

I have occasionally purchased wine coolers.  These have a palatable flavor but although they claim to have higher alcohol content than beer they fail to deliver any intoxication in a drinkable quantity.

I think this whole thing is some kind of scam but I am unable to figure it out.  You humans never cease to amaze me.


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